Many a senisble young driver will argue that things are tough enough for them already, with average annual insurance premiums for an 18 year old in the region of £1,800 and a possible ban after accruing 6 penalty points rather than the ususal 12 months. However things are set to get tougher as the government is committed to introducing new laws that will see a reduction in the number of road accidents involving young drivers and (hopefully) curb ‘sky-high’ premiums.
Currently 1 in 5 acidents that result in death or serious injury involve a driver who is under the age of 24. That is why transport ministers and insurers met this week to explore how to improve safety with a view to the government delivering its’ Green Paper in the Spring which will outline possible future legislation.
Under consideration is:
- zero limit on alcohol
- a limit to the number of passengers
- an extension of the current driving probationary period from 2 to 3 years
- to spend between 6-12 months learning to drive
- night time curfew….one change which is likely to be highly controversial and difficult to police.