The percentage of drivers failing the breath test fell during ACPO’s summer 2013 drink drive campaign – despite officers carrying out nearly 18,000 more tests compared with 2012.
The ACPO anti-drink and drug drive campaign ran throughout June and tasked officers across the country with breathalysing more drivers. The campaign was aimed at tackling those under 25 and day-time drinkers who were attending barbeques or weekend events.
A total of 100,892 drivers were tested last month, compared with 83,224 in June 2012. Out of those, 5,170 failed the test last month, while 4,857 failed in June 2012.
There was a slight drop in the number of drivers under 25 who failed, from 1,327 in June 2012 to 1,290 last June.
The number of those arrested after officers carried out a Field Impairment Test (FIT) for drugs fell from 63 in June 2012 to 59 this year.