1. Don’t panic!
Sometimes things aren’t as bad as they may first appear.
2. Don’t delay in taking legal advice.
These days, you can go directly to a barrister (rather than using a solicitor) for advice. The sooner you tell us about the circumstances surrounding your case, the more time there is to get information together to ensure we get the best possible outcome.
3. Make sure you comply with any deadlines given by the police or court.
If you don’t comply with deadline dates, you could be making things a whole lot worse for yourself. Failure to respond to a notice of intended prosecution means you have committed a further offence.
4. You can represent yourself in Court if you wish.
If you do represent yourself in court, we recommend that for ‘peace of mind’ you ask us for an advice about your case. That way, you are bit more prepared. We can tell you what to expect on the day, your likely sentence and how best to present yourself to the magistrates.
5. You can appeal the decision
If you don’t get the outcome you expected, you can appeal on the grounds of a procedural or legal error.